Apollonian View - encompassing, summarative perspective, as if seen from above
Canalization - physical manipulation of human activity by architecture
CPA - continuous partial attention, distracted, pluralized state of awareness
Cybermancy - treating computers and other electronic devices as magic
Cyborg - a cybernetic organism
Demystification - the clearing of an imaginary dimension from the understanding of the world
Digital Derive - surfing link to link on the Internet
To Dwell - to live in awareness in such as way as resembles making
Ecosystem - a complex, responsive system of base material factors, biological factors, and abstract (social, mental, aesthetic, systemic, ethical) characteristics that has flexible boundaries and a structural metabolism
Epistemology - examination of how we know
Geolocative - making use of one’s precise spatial location
Hegemony - power – or more specifically embedded power, and usually representing the dominant ideology
Idea - an abstract construction in the mind that either represents something in the world or attempts to give an explanation of it
Image - a metaphoric representation
Individuation - separation of the individual from the world as an isolatable thing
Informational Shadow - digital representation or counterpart of a physical reality
Interpenetration - the phenomenon of the tight interconnectedness of all things, both materially and causally
Intersubjectivity - collaborative creation of self, other, and world through discourse and agreement
Irony - acceptance of the contingency of one’s versions of truth, that truth is a way of speaking (from Rorty)
Liberal - a person who thinks that causing pain to others is the worst thing that we do (from Rorty)
Logos - understood through logic of language
Mythos - understood through intuition and enactment of ritual
Myth - a loading of experience of world with an imaginary / psychological dimension that seriously changes our perspective of it
Narrative - a sequential, rhythmic way of structuring our understanding of things usually depending upon causal relationships and familiar plot devices
Phenomenology - the rigourous philosophical interrogation of our confrontation with the world / a systematic approach to describing things-in-themselves
Plurality - acceptance of different customs and worldviews, within limits set by humanistic principles
Poesis - bringing forth, poetically
Mixed Reality - the zone between virtuality and physicality, in which they are blended in various proportions
Virtual Reality - the realm of engagement and interaction in which phenomena are simulated
Readiness-to-hand - close relationship with those aspects of world for which we have instrumental use
Absolute Space - that space which is directly measurable and useful for technology
Relative Space - that space which is directly tied to time
Relational Space - that space which contains value; social and mental space
Mind/Body Split - tendency to think of the mind as somehow separate from the other bodily functions
Subject / Object Split - tendency to separate the thinking self from the world as a way of viewing it
Table operations - moving narratives, ideas, myths, images around as if seen from above on a table
Trace - residue of something that has come before
Technis - bringing forth, instrumentally
Webgaze - perspective from 'within the Internet'