
Having Mastered Architecture, a website

I am conscious of my drop in production (curation? publication?) at this site recently, but I have been very busy with other things and generally my production of things has dropped off a bit. Hopefully this will change in the near future.
In the meantime you can check out my new website at http://dprpatterson.com if you are interested. Making this html monstrosity has been a primary reason why I have not been posting things here recently.
Probably the most interesting things on the new website are my recent academic work. This includes my article on Purdy, some photos of my Purdy exhibit that I showed in Cambridge, the extended abstract of the paper I presented in Venice in December (with images, which I will soon post here as well) and my thesis document, which can be found there in its entirety.
Oh, and did I mention that I mastered architecture? I finally submitted my thesis to the University of Waterloo, officially, at the end of January.